Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Reason I Don't Post Often.

I never. get comments.

Shout out to Annie for taking the time to read. Thank you! :D

However, I've decided to temporarily set aside my bitterness and post a little bit of updates.

So I quit the movie theatre, thank GOODness. And I just got hired on today as part of the Victoria's Secret team! So, that's pretty exciting, I think. Wow...And now posting this, I realize there's not a whole lot exciting going on in my life.  My day mainly consists of Flirty Aprons, now Victoria's Secret and Brandon. And then occasionally Kali or Camille and my roommates.

But no matter how boring it sounds, life has been fantastic as of late. I'm just so happy with how life is going! And I couldn't be happier spending all my time with Brandon, even if it means sitting on blogger while he watches TV or plays video games. I guess I just really enjoy spending time with him :)

Hummm...other than that, I'm super excited for Thanksgiving! Even if it's still pretty iffy as to where I'm eating...I just love the holidays! And I guess the best and most promising part is that I'll get pretty good commission. haha. 

Oh OH. And I'm dying my hair back to brown! It was nice having it blonde for awhile, but I think I'm just meant to be a brunette. Not only that, but once it grows out, I can let it grow out at least 2 inches before dying it again, let alone less than an inch.

Well...this blog has been rather scattered, I just felt the need to share.

OH and ALSO. If anyone thinks Marci LeBaron Watson should begin blogging as well, I'm starting a petition on my comment wall so that she can stop avoiding the trend for all married women and finally just succumb to it.

kthanks. Hope everyone is having a great night!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Remember, Remember, The Fifth Of November"

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

YEAH! Happy Guy Fawks Day! Goodness, today has been a very celebratory day, in my opinion.

Today, I got another job! Yeah woo! I start on Saturday, and it's this adorable kiosk in the mall called Flirty Aprons. Pay is 6.55 + commission, and though I have had terrible luck with commission in the past, I'm hoping it will be good what with the holiday season coming up! And until I get another night job, I shall just keep the theater job (BLEH). Anyways. Very cute. You should visit their site! Click!

Also, Obama is now president! Muy Fantastico! Yes, yes, I am an Obama supporter. Hate not. But I think he'll do well for our country, and uhhh duh. He's our new president. So you're simply just going to have to adjust. It's pretty fun having a HARDCORE Republican in the house though. It mixes things up a bit. Fortunately, I'm apathetic enough about politics (as well as mildly clueless) that I don't care to discuss it. Anyway. Yay, Obama!

ALSO. It SNOWED today. Best day ever! I love snow :) It makes me all happy inside.

So point in case. November 5th = The best day ever!

Anyway, for those of you who are celebrating any of the above events, I highly suggest you end the day with a nice viewing of V for Vendetta. Edited, if you prefer. In honor of the wonderful Guy Fawks/Presidential Election/Snow. (Neither of the latter relate, but it's still a good celebratory movie.)

I hope everyone enjoys this day as much as I am!


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yeah for Halloween!

So, Halloween turned out being an extremely enjoyable night. It was so much fun!! Jeremy and Sarah came over to my house, and the four of us got all Zombified. It was so very much fun. And I've posted some pictures of it below! After we got all dressed up, we went to the Haunted Forest & Psycho Manor in American Fork. It was SOO fun! Even thought I did push Brandon down to the ground and jumped over him in the claustrophobia room where you have to squeeze your way out, out of pure panic. It was scary! But he was a good sport. He at least stopped my shaking when I got out. Haha. He was also pretty entertaining to watch with the chainsaw guys. He can deny it a thousand times, but Jeremy, Sarah and I can attest that he hardcore screamed like a girl. haha.

Anyway, after we did that, we just came back, got all cleaned up and cuddled to The Happening. All in all, it was a really fun night :)

Goodness, I love halloween!


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