Sunday, November 2, 2008

Yeah for Halloween!

So, Halloween turned out being an extremely enjoyable night. It was so much fun!! Jeremy and Sarah came over to my house, and the four of us got all Zombified. It was so very much fun. And I've posted some pictures of it below! After we got all dressed up, we went to the Haunted Forest & Psycho Manor in American Fork. It was SOO fun! Even thought I did push Brandon down to the ground and jumped over him in the claustrophobia room where you have to squeeze your way out, out of pure panic. It was scary! But he was a good sport. He at least stopped my shaking when I got out. Haha. He was also pretty entertaining to watch with the chainsaw guys. He can deny it a thousand times, but Jeremy, Sarah and I can attest that he hardcore screamed like a girl. haha.

Anyway, after we did that, we just came back, got all cleaned up and cuddled to The Happening. All in all, it was a really fun night :)

Goodness, I love halloween!


Annelisa said...

Coots on the costumes! I think I said this once before but you are scary!


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