Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So. Halloween happens to be one of my all time favorite holidays. Yes. It is a fact. I've been rather indecisive about what my costume will be for All Hallow's Eve, but I finally came to a conclusion after wearing two different costumes [for which I will post pictures of both as well as some others.] One was a gothic doll and the other a CEREAL killer. And dun dun da dunnn [drum roll please] I decided on Pam from the Office.

Yes, I will admit. It's rather morbid, but what isn't on this frightfully exciting holiday? That's right. I'm FINALLY going to be something somewhat morbid. Because I just realized that today, I have never actually been anything dead. So, I am living the dream. But no worries, I won't scare children or anything terrible like that. I just want to embrace this day for what it's worth. Candy, scary costumes, pumpkins, and Hokus Pokus.

Anyways, Im excited to see what everyone turns out to be on Halloween. Horray! Mom and dad, you better dress up!
Anywho, here are some pictures! Enjoy! I love you all!


h2oetry said...

the first mug shot pic is awesome. you nailled the pose, and look like a real caught criminal. kudos killa

♥ kaliente ♥ said...

Wait, What's a cereal killer???
Is that an indie thing???



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