Tuesday, March 22, 2011


do you think it's super weird that
in my spare time, 
i get myself completely sucked into celebrity twitter(s)?
(what exactly IS the plural of 'twitter' anyway?)

i don't really use twitter all that often
(like, at all)
but i love creeping on other's.

to be more specific,
i'm basically in love with zooey deschanel.
and i have a pretty good feeling that
if she had never become a celebrity,
and by some small chance (try microscopic)
we had grown up in the same neighborhood
we could have become best friends.
and spent afternoons braiding each other's hair.

i know, it's totally silly and unfathomable,
but really.
look at her.


celebrity crush?
i think maybe a little, yes.


Jojo said...

I love Zooey too. She is adorable.


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