Sunday, August 19, 2007

Kelli's sunday.

Well, this morning I woke up with a sore throat. I didn't feel too good, so I asked a co-worker to take notes at the meeting for me. It turns out that Sharon, our manager, is in England [that's where she's from] for the next two weeks, so hardly anyone went to the meeting. Which means that they basically just went over how to do demo's on people. Seeing as I already know how to do that, I wasn't missing out on much.

All day today I've been pretty anxious and a little out there. I'm pretty sure I know why, but I'm going to not focus on it and just hope that the feeling goes away. I had church at one at the new building. At first it felt really strange and foreign. But Jon wasn't there, so I had a lot more room in my mind to focus on the sacrament. Which was really nice. Overall, the spirit was really strong today and I learned alot in church. It was a really good meeting. But I still don't know how I feel about the fact that it's at 1:00.

The lesson in Relief Society was on keeping the sabbath day holy. And listening to it inspired me to really do so. So when I came home, it was kind of weird to have Kendra [my roommate who stole my beatles sweater, but then i stole it back] and Amber deep cleaning the apartment while listening to loud annoying music. I asked her to turn it off so I could listen to the Prince of Egypt Soundtrack. She was kind of negative about it, but in the end, Prince of Egypt won. yay.

Then I ran to the park and met up with Anna Buzan, who I haven't seen in a year or so even though we've both lived in Provo the whole time! We caught up on alot, but then I went back and ate spaghetti with Annie, Karem, Jessica, and Zoey. It was fun.

After, Jeremy, Marci, Will [her boyfriend] and I went to American Fork to attend Lucy's 2nd birthday. It was way fun and it was awesome to be with the whole family again. I love when our family gets together.

We came back and went straight to ward prayer, and Sam asked me to bare my testimony. I loved it, and I'm really glad I got the chance to do so. Anyways. Now I'm back here in my empty apartment. It's nice to have the peace and quiet. It gives me time to clear my mind and think. Even though there are some things I don't want to have to think about right now. But anyway. In response to the keeping the sabbath day holy lesson, I'm just going to pack tomorrow and move in on tuesday. I'll probably go read Eclipse, and go to bed. It's only 11, but I think I need to start sleeping earlier if I'm going to be waking up earlier. Plus, I need to start practicing responsibility. As my dad told me today when he saw that I posted a blog at 4:20 am. haha.

Anyways. I possibly have work tomorrow. Then I'm packing like crazy. I'm sort of hoping I have work just so that I have something else to think about for awhile. Welp, it's off to bed for me. Goodnight, everyone.



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